Washington Youth Soccer




Lewis County Youth Soccer Association

 Thurston County Youth Soccer Association

Grays Harbor/Foothills Youth Soccer Association


Grays Harbor/ Foothills AssociationClubs--Harbor, Montesano, South Beach, North Beach, Willapa Harbor, Elma/ McCleary, South Mason


Thurston County Youth Soccer Association—Clubs--Lacey ( ChinQually Booters), Olympia (Olympia United) , Yelm (Prairie Soccer Club) Rochester, Tenino, Tumwater, Blackhills  Football Club*


* Blackhills Football Club Is the premier level soccer club of the Thurston County Youth Soccer Association; a local association of soccer clubs in the greater Olympia area. We have players traveling from Lewis, Grays Harbor, Thurston, Mason and Pierce Counties.  



Lewis County Soccer Association—(LCYSA) Clubs--Centralia, Chehalis, Morton/ White Pass (MWP), Mossyrock,  Napavine, Onalaska, Toledo, Volcano*, Winlock,




Seasons of Play

Fall Season –Main Season of play


U6-U8 Boys and Girls are submitted to play within their local Club(s)


U10 Boys and Girls will play with their chosen club and play within Lewis County 


12- U19 Boys and Girls Play is offered to play in Lewis, Mason, Thurston and Grays Harbor Counties


High School Girls are offered a league in the Spring


Spring Season

U-10--U19, if your club does not offer Spring Soccer and you have played in the Fall your State Id can be transferred to the Spring Club that you wish to play for. 



How teams are formed—Recreational Teams


  • Coaches may not recruit players—players may request a coach as long as it is written on their Registration form.Coaches who pick their teams is no longer considered a Rec Team and become a select team and will play with select level of play


  • Club has the decision on rosters. granted a waiver by Washington Youth Soccer on medical grounds or by the appropriate Director of Competition for special circumstances


  • Girls are permitted to play on boys teams, but boys are not permitted to play on girls teams


  • Roster size is determined by league guidelines. The appropriate Director of Competition may grant a waiver for special circumstances.


  • Open roster spaces will be filled at the club’s discretion.


  • Club determines teams and registers players to the club Data Base.


  • Club Registrar, registers Coaches and runs RMA (Risk management Assessment, National background check )places coach with a team


  • Club has a Coaches meeting and gives rosters to the coach


  • Coach calls players within days of meeting to set up a Team Meeting.”


  • Coach introduces themselves to team, sets rules, credentials (especially a love of the game and commitment to Sportsmanship) expectations for players and Practice/Day/ time/ Location/ Intro.All Medical, Concussion and Parent player Contracts must be signed and kept with the coach at every practice and game.


  • If you do not have an active RMA you may not coach or participate in practices or games activities to get cleared communicate with your club Registrar.


  • Addresses Spectators Code of Conduct and emphasizes important points.


  • Make a list of what team is to bring to practices (Do Bring Shin guards, Cleats Water bottle and ball (Do not bring Computers, iPods, jewelry, gum. (Cell phone are to remain off the practice field)


  • Coaches please communicate with team continually throughout season Phone, Text, email, to keep informed


  • Coaches ask for parent to volunteer to organize team game Half time and end of game snacks


  • Only registered players may participate in practice and games


  • Detailed rosters are for coaches/team manager’s use only (Use safe roster for games which lists only player name number and birth date for Referees).


  • If Club does not have a Sponsor for the team, the club may allow the coach to name the team, Remember to email this information to the Club Manger.



  • Shin Guards are required; Socks are required to be worn over Shin guards.


  • Cleats are recommended –Toe cleats Baseball and Football style cleats are not permitted


  • Clubs are responsible for T-shirt, jersey, and socks;Matching shorts are not required


Playing time Expectations 


  • Each Child should see a minimum of 50% playing time per game.This is Recreational soccer.It is expected that coaches should make at least a reasonable effort that to ensure that every player plays at least 50% of the game over the course of the season.This is in line with District 7 expectations.








  • At Registration Parents be sure that all Medical needs / Special Conditions/ are placed on the Registration form so that is can be distributed to the coach: Bee Stings, food Allergies ect.Be sure that players with Special needs such as Asthma, diabetes are recognized to be made sure it is under control during practice and games.


  • Reminder all medical release forms should be kept with coaches at all practices and games


  • If a player is injured, WYS provides secondary insurance.The Player Injury Medical Claim Form can be found at www.Washingtonyouthsoccer.orgForm must be submitted within 30 days from injury, do not wait for other insurance to be processed.Coach must sign the form.


Game Day Weather


  • No games are to be played for 30 minutes of the last Thunder/ Lighting Strike, if game is suspended talk with the U-10 Coordinator/ Scheduler before rescheduling games.


  • Games will be played in the rain.Referee has the authority to suspend the game if there are safety concerns


  • Flooded fields, games will be rescheduled to other fields and scheduler will shuffle the schedule.



Game Day Responsibilities


  • Home Team provides 2 properly inflated game balls. Flags and or Cones maybe placed at the Corners ( Should be the Responsibility of the Club to have them out or have access to


  • Team Chooses the sideline for your team and your supporters with the agreement from Home field coach and Spectators may share a sideline.


  • Coaches are to provide a “safe” Game roster to the Referee at every Match


  • If two teams have (Nearly) identical jersey colors, it is the responsibility of the home team to wear alternative Shirt of scrimmage (Pennies) Vest may be worn.Referee has the final judge on color conflict.


  • Teams playing in District 7 Leagues must report game scores.The league will Email the Team contact and request the score.This enables the league to update standings in a timely manner (where appropriate) and to monitor the performance of all teams so that teams are placed in division that will get them a similar level of competition


  • If a referee is not at the game, then the coaches can ask a volunteer to referee the game.




  • Coaches, players and Parents are to be respectful at the younger age divisions, less experienced training referees.


  • The referee has the responsibility t o enforce the Laws of the Game to the best of his/her ability.It is not the place of the Players, Coaches or Spectators to make the job of the referee more difficult by dissent through words and/or actions


  • Clubs and association have a zero tolerance for abuse of game officials and will not tolerate profanity whether directed at referees or other wise


  • Referees are encouraged to take appropriate action to maintain control over a game.Any player coach or spectator who is given a card and sent off the field of play or sideline for abuse of a referee will be subject to disciplinary provisions and process of Washington Youth SoccerNOTE: Lewis County Rules states that a Coach or Spectator who is given a Red Card for dissent will also be given $100.00 fine as well as suspended from the next 2 games.If Coach or Spectator does not pay fine they will not be able to attend another game for up to a year.They will also be asked to attend a Referee Clinic to receive certification to Referee.


  • Coaches and spectators are not allowed on the field unless invited by the referee.




  • Teams should not run up the score against opponents. As a show of good sportsmanship after being more than 5-6 points at the end of the game.Coaches are asked to take actions to limit large differences in scores during games where teams are not well matched; player positioning giving weaker players more playing time shooting with weaker foot, passing more ect.


  • Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their sidelines which includes both player and spectators.All participants should show good sportsmanship towards the opposing team and the referee.


  • All though the offsides rule does not apply to the U6 and U8 divisions teams must respect the spirit of the rule and referees are advised to penalize players or teams for flagrant abuses


  • No spectators,players or coaches are allowed to be positioned behind a goal or between the end line and even with the top of the 18 yard line of the penalty box or the equivalent line in Mod-soccer games


  • Substitutions may be made at any stoppage of play with the consent of the referee


  • The use of Noisemakers, cow bells, horns or such devices at fields are prohibited—It is your responsibility as a coach to enforce this rule


  • If a Player or a coach receives a red card it is an automatic one match (Minimum) suspension and an adult must leave the field and parking area immediately. Youth Players may stay with their team but may not participate further in the match.The one match suspension may be increased to reflect more serious offenses.A Referee may instruct the coach to request a spectator to leave the field area.The coach must comply with the instructions but should not physically eject the spectator.If the Spectator fails to comply with the request the referee may terminate the match, or police may be called.The coach must report such incidents, within 48 hours of the Match to the LCYSA Director of Competition.


  • At the end of each match shake hands with the opposing team coaches and thank the referees.


Coaches’ Code of Conduct


As a Coach for Lewis County Youth Soccer Program, I realize that I responsible for the emotional, physical and skill growth of each player through his/her participation in soccer.


With regard to players on my team


  1. I will endeavor to learn more about the game of soccer.


  2. I will learn the laws of the game and the specific laws for my team’s age group.


  3. I will strive to be a good instructor and positive role model for my players.


  4. I will teach my players to understand and play within the letter and spirit of the laws of the game.


  5. I will always put winning in it proper perspective; we win when we do our best no matter what the score is.


With regard to opposing teams


  1. I will endeavor to make my team a positive role model.


  2. I will not coach, nor allow my players to play, with intent to cause injury to opposing players.


  3. Players and spectators will not display hostile behavior toward player(s), supporters of the opposing team.


  4. I will applaud good play by players on my team and the opposing team.


  5. I will emphasize winning without boasting and losing without bitterness.


With regard to referee’s


  1. I will recognize that the referee is responsible for the application of the laws of the game and the exercise of judgment.


  2. I believe that referees, just as coaches and players, do their best to be impartial.


  3. I will instill in my players and spectators respect for all referees.


  4. We will respect the referee’s decision before, during and after a game.


With regard to my parents and spectators:


  1. I will instruct my parents in the appropriate manner in which to demonstrate good sportsmanship


  2. I will ask that they not instruct players unless asked to part of the coaching staff.


  3. I will involve parents whenever I can.


  4. I will instill respectful behavior from my parents by being what I want them to be.


Spectator’s Code of Conduct


The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles:  trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.  The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of characters.”


I commit to the following:


  • I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for them.


  • I will inform the coach of any disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.


  • I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.


  • I (and my guests) will be positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other team or league event.


  • I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health or well being of the athletes.


  • I will teach my child to play by the rules.


  • I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important that the outcome of the game.


  • I will encourage my child to compete fairly.


  • I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participant for making mistakes


  • I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child


  • I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss or confront coaches or referees at the game field


  • I will speak with my coach at an agreed upon time and place to discuss any concerns I might have


  • I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am a designated coach or assistant for the team.